wife / mother / Mimi / author / speaker / reformer / mentor / Kingdom builder

I’m Holly

It’s my desire for you and your family to become all that God desires for you to be. All that He has created you to be for this world!

I want to inspire you to live a FULL life for the Kingdom, embracing all that our God has for you!

When you live according to His ways and purposes for your life, and begin to walk those out in your daily life, you flourish. And things around you flourish. Your family will flourish!


Isn’t that a beautiful word?
That is what I desire for you and your family. Don’t you?

I know that you have a deep desire to live a Kingdom life that impacts your family and those around you.

But how? 

Through HOLY HERITAGE, you will find materials to equip you and your family to create and establish a strong Kingdom-oriented family built on a holy foundation of the Word of God.


Faith Fuel

Get access to this free monthly Bible reading plan for use with your children, family, children's church or Bible class along with the Holy Heritage Monthly Messages of encouragement, information regarding the reading plan of the month, scripture of the month, and more! 

Train Up a Spiritual Champion

available on Amazon in July 2024. In this book, I share faith principles with you so that you can establish the family altar as a sacred place of the home.

Through MORE! International, you will join with a group of passionate women who gather together to inspire one another to live out their calling in the midst of their “dailies,” working to create and build their God-designed future.


is a call to dream,

to discover,

to change the world around you.

to rise,

There’s a dream within you. It was placed there by the Lord God Himself. It’s His gift to the world through you. He’s entrusted you with it. He desires that you awaken to it, nurture, develop, and release that gift to others around you. See it’s for them. He gave it to you for you to release into the world.

They are waiting….

Waiting for what’s inside of you – that gift from the Lord.

The timing and release of it is precise. He has ordained it and chosen you to be the carrier and one to birth His dream in you. Our God has chosen you and put a seed within you of a special something that is to come into the world and bring beauty, joy, reformation, change!

MORE! will release Kingdom women as creators, writers, educators, moms, ministers, entrepreneurs and more to bring God’s Kingdom ways to our world.

MORE! is a movement creating a Renaissance in our day that will inspire and shape the future of our world via:

  • Quarterly meetings (available on Zoom)

Are you ready for MORE?

Follow us.  

Training families, Saving nations, Establishing Kingdom.